Published: 12-Aug-2021
  Updated: 16-Aug-2021

  • Features
    • Simply manage your favorite website links.
    • Organize your links by groups.
    • Quickly open all the links in a group or a specific link as you needed.
    • Edit and update existing links.
    • Remove groups and links.
    • Add active tab url as a Quick Link in a Misc group by default from browser context menu.
    • Export all your data as JSON file format.
    • Import your previously exported JSON data from one computer to another.
    • Switch to dark or light theme.
    • We do not support automatically syncing Quick Links between your computers at this moment, and this feature will be available in the future updates.
  • Data Privacy
    • Please read our data collection policy from our Privacy Policy page.
    • In this Quick Links browser extension we do not collect any data and we only use the browser storage to manage all the Groups and Links.
  • Screenshots